deWiz Data - Steepening and Shallowing

Everything you need to know regarding the deWiz Steepening/Shallowing data point including tips and drills!

How does dewiz measure steepening and shallowing?

Shallowing the club is something that all golfers strive to accomplish. Now with deWiz, we're able to see if you are actually succeeding in doing so!

deWiz measures Steepening and Shallowing of the club shaft through transition by measuring the rotation of the lead forearm - 4 inches (10 cm) into the downswing. A positive measurement indicates the forearm is rotating clockwise, and represents steepening of the shaft. Conversely, counter-clockwise rotation will yield a negative value and is indicative of shallowing. Most professionals are very neutral in this measurement - landing between -2° and +2°.

The Correlation between Steepening/Shallowing and IDDx

In looking at deWiz data, we have found a very clear correlation between the Steepening/Shallowing measurement and the deWiz IDDx data point - particularly when it comes to elite versus amateur players!

Most elite players will have a slight amount of shallowing (-1° - -2°) and a slightly positive IDDx measurement (5° - 15°). However, we have found professionals that do steepen the club through transition, but they offset it with a negative IDDx measurement. The majority of club golfers will have both Steepening and a positive IDDx.

Conclusion: The more Steepening you have, the more negative your IDDx should be. And conversely, the more you shallow the club, the higher your IDDx can be!

"Feel Like Your Laying the Club Down."

Of all the deWiz measurements, the Steepening/Shallowing data point tends to be one of the most difficult ones for the average golfer to change.

As is the case with making any swing changes, the best way to start is by really exaggerating the move. By taking the club back on a steeper trajectory, your hands and body can work to then feel like you're laying the club down through transition. Practice this without a ball - or even without a club - to develop the muscle memory!

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