deWiz Hand Speed Curve - The complete guide

Part 1: What separates a Pro from a Club Golfer?

Watch and see how a Pro Golfer compares to a Club Golfer and learn more about how to analyze and interpret the deWiz Hand Speed Curve.

Part 2: Where should Max Hand Speed occur and why?

Explore how and why Pro Golfers swing with such efficiency and how the Hand Speed Curve can help you achieve better efficiency.

Part 3: What we can learn from Long Drivers and what their Hand Speed Curve looks like

There's a lot to learn from Long Drivers. For example how FAST a long driver maxes out his backswing hand speed.

Part 4: 3 different swing thoughts - 3 very different Hand Speed Curves

See how the Hand Speed Curve differs when a player is swinging a "Standard Drive", "Extra Lag" and "Casting" and what we can learn from that.

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