Introducing: Club Head Speed with Driver

Are you looking to maximize your driving distance? Understanding your Club Head Speed with your Driver can make all the difference! We’re excited to announce the introduction of a powerful new data point—Club Head Speed with Driver.

What is Club Head Speed with Driver?

Club head speed refers to how fast the head of your golf club is traveling when it makes contact with the ball (At impact). This measurement is crucial, as it directly impacts the carry and total shot distance. The faster your club head speed, the farther your ball carries.

Club Head Speed with Driver specifically measures the speed when using a driver. By focusing on this key metric, you’ll gain better insights into how to optimize your swing for more distance off the tee.

Why Club Head Speed Matters

Many golfers underestimate the importance of club head speed, but it’s one of the most significant factors affecting your driving performance. By analyzing your club head speed, you can identify areas for improvement. For example as a deWiz user you know that the 2 key deWiz metrics for creating Club Head Speed is Length of Backswing and Start to Impact.

How to Improve Your Club Head Speed with Driver

If you’re serious about improving your club head speed, here are a few tips to get you started:

Make your backswing longer

  1. Step 1: Find your baseline Length of Backswing while hitting a golf ball in Discovery Mode.
  2. Step 2: Push yourself with practice swings to see how long of a swing you can make.
  3. Step 3: Go into Practice Your Length of Backswing Mode and begin setting the Minimum Backswing Length a few inches longer than your initial baseline.
  4. Step 4: Keep upping the Minimum Length to push yourself and develop a longer swing.

Make your swing faster

  1. Step 1: Find your baseline Start to Impact number while hitting a golf ball in Discovery Mode.
  2. Step 2: Push yourself with FAST swings. A mental drill here is to think: "Swing fast!", watch the Start to Impact number and try to get it lower
  3. Step 4: Keep upping trying to lower your Start to Impact number
  4. Bonus: Make sure you're not compromising your Length of Backswing meaning that your Length of Backswing should not be shorter when you go faster.

Martin Hall shows us how to swing faster:

A surefire way to gain distance with Zack Allen:

Track Your Progress

With the introduction of Club Head Speed with Driver as a measurable data point, you can now track your progress over time. Head over to the "Progress" tab int he menu and you'll be able to see a chart of your Club Head Speed over time. Better yet - Head over to our Data Insights Website and see it visualized together with your other data.

By making incremental improvements, and monitoring your Club Head Speed and how your speed training affect this is crucial for gaining distance.

Learn More in Our Latest Video!

To get a detailed breakdown of Club Head Speed with Driver watch our latest video here:  


Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, understanding and improving your Club Head Speed with Driver is essential to maximizing your distance off the tee. With our new data point, you’ll gain actionable insights into your swing, giving you the knowledge to hit longer drives.

Start measuring your club head speed today and take your game to the next level!

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