Can The CEO of Golf swing it like Bryson?

We all want to swing like the pros. Remec Carlson - you may know him as @CEOofGolf on Social Media - takes us through a full speed session trying to match the numbers of Bryson DeChambeau

"We Need to Practice with a purpose."

Regardless of what you're working on in your practice, it's critical to have feedback! You need to make sure that you're actually making progress with the change you're trying to implement.

Remec Carlson (@ceoofgolf on Instagram and YouTube) is on a quest to become the longest hitter on YouTube, and he takes us a through a "speed training" practice session with deWiz. For some added fun, he looks to match the swing of one of the longest hitters in golf - Bryson DeChambeau.

deWiz Tip: When working on adding speed, pay particular attention to the Length of Backswing, Start-to-Impact and Max Hand Speed measurements. It's important to remember that this will not be your typical "game swing", so don't focus as much on the actual result of the shot!

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