Understanding Hand Speed in the Bunker with deWiz

Struggling to escape the bunker? One common issue among golfers is a reluctance to generate enough speed. Here’s how you can overcome that and improve your bunker game using the deWiz app.

Step 1: Understand the Role of Speed

When hitting a green-side bunker shot, speed is essential. The sand reduces your club's speed, so generating enough power ensures the ball flies out effectively. Without sufficient speed, even perfectly struck shots may fail to reach their target.

Step 2: Use the deWiz App

Track your hand speed with the deWiz app to develop consistency. Here’s how:

  1. Open the deWiz app and navigate to Discovery Mode.
  2. Select Max Hand Speed to receive real-time voice feedback.
  3. Practice bunker shots while monitoring your hand speed numbers.

Step 3: Practice with Feedback

Using a lob wedge for short bunker shots:

Aim for consistent hand speed readings, such as 11 mph, to ensure sufficient power. Notice how your ball travels further with increased speed, even on short shots.

Step 4: Margin for Error

Generating higher speeds gives you more room for error. With slower speeds, you must strike the sand in the perfect spot. Practicing with deWiz helps you build confidence and reduce errors.

By embracing speed and utilizing tools like deWiz, you can turn bunker struggles into scoring opportunities. Good luck, and happy golfing!

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