deWiz Learning Center
Tagged with: deWiz Basics
Discovery Mode
The best way to get started with deWiz is by starting in Discovery mode. Here, you won’t receive any Learning Stimuli feedback, but it will allow you to get a...
Discovery Mode
The best way to get started with deWiz is by starting in Discovery mode. Here, you won’t receive any Learning Stimuli feedback, but it will allow you to get a...
Contacts and Swing Monitoring
With deWiz’s remote Swing Monitoring, users can add others to observe and monitor their swing data in real-time, regardless of where they are! How to Add a Contact Contacts are...
Contacts and Swing Monitoring
With deWiz’s remote Swing Monitoring, users can add others to observe and monitor their swing data in real-time, regardless of where they are! How to Add a Contact Contacts are...